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How to Pay Zero Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits  Thumbnail

How to Pay Zero Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits

Most retirees don’t realize it, but they’re likely overpaying in taxes on their Social Security benefits. The good news? With the right strategy, you can dramatically reduce—or even eliminate—the taxes on your Social Security income. In this post, we’ll walk through a real-life case study to show how one couple legally kept more of their retirement income and slashed their tax bill.

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The Cost of Aging in Retirement and the Role of Long-Term Care Insurance Thumbnail

The Cost of Aging in Retirement and the Role of Long-Term Care Insurance

As retirement approaches, one of the most overlooked yet financially significant aspects is the cost of aging. With longer life expectancies and rising healthcare costs, your medical expenses can be one of the largest costs you will face in retirement (next to taxes). A private room in a nursing home can exceed $100,000 per year, while in-home care services quickly add up as well.

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