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How to Pay Zero Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits  Thumbnail

How to Pay Zero Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits

Most retirees don’t realize it, but they’re likely overpaying in taxes on their Social Security benefits. The good news? With the right strategy, you can dramatically reduce—or even eliminate—the taxes on your Social Security income. In this post, we’ll walk through a real-life case study to show how one couple legally kept more of their retirement income and slashed their tax bill.

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Exploring the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA Strategy  Thumbnail

Exploring the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA Strategy

For many people, contributing to a Roth IRA is a fantastic way to save for retirement due to its tax advantages. As long as you are over the age of 59.5 and have had the Roth IRA for at least 5 years, all your distributions in retirement are tax-free. Given the current economic climate, many experts anticipate that tax rates will rise in the near term. Even if no new tax laws are enacted, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will sunset after 2025, resulting in higher tax rates. Coupled with the recent federal spending due to the pandemic and increased government debt the likelihood of increased future taxes makes a Roth IRA even more valuable.

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Avoiding Retirement Mistakes: The Essentials for a Secure Golden Age  Thumbnail

Avoiding Retirement Mistakes: The Essentials for a Secure Golden Age

You have worked your whole life saving and preparing for retirement and the next season of your life. This is a time when you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, travel, spend time with the grandkids, explore new hobbies, volunteer and do anything you did not get to do while working. Avoiding common retirement mistakes and pitfalls or misjudging retirement income needs is crucial for a stress-free retirement. Ensuring your retirement plan includes thoughtful estate and tax planning while steering clear of emotional investment decisions and frequent financial mistakes can set a solid foundation. We'll explore how to create a reliable safety net through diversification and the importance of regular reviews to adjust your nest egg, aiming to steer clear of the biggest retirement planning pitfalls and ensuring your social security benefits work effectively for you.

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