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Are Small Cap Stocks Making a Come back? Thumbnail

Are Small Cap Stocks Making a Come back?

Historically, small cap stocks have had higher average returns than large cap stocks over the long run. However, Small-cap stocks have been underperforming larger ones for the second longest stretch since the 1930s. But there are signals that small-cap stocks may be coming out of their dark stretch. In today’s video, we are going to show you how to take advantage of todays historically cheap valuations on small cap stocks so you can position yourself to build wealth.

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Smart Decisions for Inheritance Planning Thumbnail

Smart Decisions for Inheritance Planning

The only 2 things unavoidable in life are death and taxes. While neither of these are fun to talk about, making smart decisions around the inevitable can lead to successful outcomes. While it's never pleasant to talk about the death of our parents, or our own demise, planning for an inheritance is an essential part of your overall financial plan. This is an essential part of financial management that helps ensure your family's future is secure.

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Why You Should Rollover Your Old 401(k) When You Retire or Change Jobs Thumbnail

Why You Should Rollover Your Old 401(k) When You Retire or Change Jobs

Deciding what to do with your old 401(k) when you retire or change jobs can feel overwhelming, but it’s a crucial decision that can significantly impact your financial future. Rolling over your 401(k) into an IRA offers numerous benefits that can enhance your investment experience and help you achieve your retirement goals. Here’s why you should consider rolling over your old 401(k):

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