Retirement Strategy: Planning Your Retirement Lifestyle
A retirement lifestyle is more than just saving money; it's also deciding how you want to spend that extra time. Here's a look at what you want to consider.
A retirement lifestyle is more than just saving money; it's also deciding how you want to spend that extra time. Here's a look at what you want to consider.
Retirees are living longer and enjoying many years of good health after they are done working. The average life expectancy of someone age 65 is into their mid-80’s with a high probability of making it into their 90’s. With inflation as high as it’s been in 40 years you may be wondering about how long your money will last.
Many people are concerned that the Social Security system is running out of money. Currently, a percentage of every worker's wages are collected and paid into the Social Security trust fund. At present, 6.2% of workers’ wages are withheld from every paycheck and contributed to the trust fund. Employers pay the same amount into the trust fund for a total of 12.4% of all payrolls in the country.
If you find yourself with a bit of extra time on your hands in the upcoming months, you may want to use this time to check in with your family’s finances.
In order to beat inflation should you invest for income or for total return? With inflation at the highest levels, we have seen in 40 years you may be wondering whether you should devote more of your portfolio to dividend paying stocks.
Tax-loss harvesting is the process by which an investor sells an investment held in a taxable brokerage account at a loss and buys a similar investment in order to participate in the inevitable market recovery. By selling at a loss, the investor gets to enjoy a tax benefit.