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What is a QLAC? How can it help me save money on taxes and make my money last longer? Thumbnail

What is a QLAC? How can it help me save money on taxes and make my money last longer?

A qualified longevity annuity contract, or QLAC is an annuity you purchase from an insurance company using money (from your IRA or other qualified retirement plan such as a 401(k). A QLAC provides guaranteed monthly payments until death and avoids the volatility in the stock market. So long as the QLAC follows the IRS rules, it is exempt from the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules until income stream begins. Purchasing a QLAC lowers your RMD’s which must begin at age 72 and reduces your tax bill in the years prior to the commencement of annuity payments from the QLAC.

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