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How does the Social Security Survivor benefit work? Thumbnail

How does the Social Security Survivor benefit work?

Social Security is a major source of retirement income for most Americans. With over 1,800 rules to the program, navigating the Social Security system can be complex. Making sure you have a good strategy in place to maximize your benefit is a cornerstone of a well-crafted retirement income plan. Today, we are going to explore an important aspects of the Social Security system: survivor benefits.

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Light at the End of the Inflation Tunnel? Thumbnail

Light at the End of the Inflation Tunnel?

At some point over the past year, the financial media’s inflation coverage transitioned from, “Will this high inflation persist?” to, “Here’s how to cope with inflation that’s here to stay!” It seems some investors have resigned themselves to a new normal of high inflation following decades of below-average consumer price changes.

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Will Social Security Be There for Me When I Retire? Thumbnail

Will Social Security Be There for Me When I Retire?

Many people are concerned that the Social Security system is running out of money. Currently, a percentage of every worker's wages are collected and paid into the Social Security trust fund. At present, 6.2% of workers’ wages are withheld from every paycheck and contributed to the trust fund. Employers pay the same amount into the trust fund for a total of 12.4% of all payrolls in the country.

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